青岛培训 培训新闻 雅思听力单选题解题技巧


英语 成都诺恩教育 2017-03-14 13:54:27 526浏览

相关标签: 英语


SECTION 2 Questions 11-20

Questions 11-16

Choose the correct letter,A, B, orC.

11. PS Camping has been organising holidays for

A. 15 years

B. 20 years

C. 25 years

12. The company has most camping sites in

A. France

B. Italy

C. Switzerland

13. Which organised activity can children do every day of the week?

A. Football

B. Drama

C. Model making

14. Some areas of the sites have a no noise rule after

A. 9.300 p.m.

B. 10.00 p.m.

C. 10.30 p.m.

15. The holiday insurance that is offered by PS Camping

A. Can be charged on an annual basis

B. Is included in the price of the holiday

C. Must be taken out at the time of booking

16. Customers who recommend PS Camping to friends will receive

A. A free gift

B. An update to a luxury tent

C. A discount


    比如第11题,他问的是PS Camping组织假期有多少年,选项分别是15years20 years25years,这里给大家提个醒,在填空题或者选择题中如果考点是考数字,一般情况下都会有信息干扰,这时候就要大家去多多关注题干中的限定以及隐含的非限定。这一题中大家首先应该划“organising holiday”为关键词,因为organise是一个动词,所以在原文中是有被替换的可能性,同时文章中并没有特别的地点之类的限定,所以大家在听的时候就要注意去排除干扰选项。

12题,关键词为“most camping sites”,这里要出一下“most”这个单词,我们知道题干中如果出现最高级或者比较级,大家不妨划它们作为关键词,但是这里的“most”可能会被替换。选项中分别是FranceItalySwitzerland,这里需要大家去听PS Camping在哪个国家的露营营地最多。

13题,关键词为“activity”“children”和一个时间限定“every day of the week, 选项中出现了“football”“drama”“model making”,需要同学选一个活动项目。

    第14题, 关键词为‘no noise, 这是一个专有名词,被替换的可能性不大,所以大家可以以它来定位答案出现的范围,同时这是一个问时间的题目,所以一般情况下三个选项都会出现在听力原文中。为了排除其他干扰选项,同学们应该锁定“have no noise’”或者相应的同义替换。

15题,关键词为“insurance”,这一题更多是基于大家对听力原文理解的基础上,选项分别是: 保险费要一年一交;保险费已包含在假期费用里面;在预定的时候就要买保险。



    第11题:The company started 25 years ago. It actually opened as a retail chain selling camping equipment, and then 20 years ago, it bought a small number of campsites in the UK, and began offering camping holidays. The company grew rapidly and has been providing holidays in continental Europe for the last 15 years.

题干中的“organising holiday”在原位中分别被“offering holiday” 和“providing holidays”替换,潜在选项是20 years15 years,怎么排除?原文中说“has been providing holidays in continental Europe for the last 15 years”出现了一个“in continental Europe”的地点限定,但题干中并没有出现地点限定,故排除15 years,选20 years,答案是 B

12题:In Italy we now have some 64 sites that we either own, or have exclusive use of. France is where we have the majority of sites, and we currently have a project to expand to Switzerland. 题干中的关键词为“most camping sites”在原文中被“the majority of sites”替换,mostthe majority of替换的频率很高,大家务必要记住。答案为France,故选 A

13题:Each day kicks off with a sports match, perhaps football o volleyball, followed by an hour of drama for everyone. 题干中“every day”被“each day”替换。很多同学会疑问为什么不可以选择football,但是大家要注意原文中出现了“perhaps football or volleyball”,所     以可能是football或者是volleyball,但不论是什么体育项目,随后都会有一个小时的drama表演,故答案选B

    第14题:We operate a no-noise rule in the evenings. Childrens evening activities usually finish at 9.30, or occasionally 10, and from 10.30 holiday-makers are expected to be quiet in the areas where there are tents. 三个选项都出现了,题干中的“no noise”被“to be quiet”替换,故答案选C

     第15题:If you havent organised an annual insurance policy of your own youll need to take out the low-cost cover we offer and we require that you arrange this when you make your holiday reservation. 题干中的“booking”被“reservation”替换,AB选项没有被提及,故答案为C。如果同学们在单选题中不确定答案是什么,可以去尝试选择含有“提前预定”(book/make a booking/reserve/make a reservation in advance/ahead of time)的选项,这是一个完美选项,一般情况下正确率会高一些。

      第16题:As a regular customer, youll be kept informed of special offers and your friends can benefit 10% off their holiday, or book a luxury tent for the price of a standard one. In return, we will send you a thank-you present, which you can choose from a list of high-quality items. 题干中问的是customer会得到怎样的礼物,所以可以把“ your friends can benefit 10% off their holiday, or book a luxury tent for the price of a standard one”中的discountluxury tent排除掉,故答案应该选择a free gift,在原文中被 a thank-you present 替换掉。答案是A

